Se Habla Español - Plant City
Se Habla Español - Plant City
Chlorine in swimming pools kills the germs that may make people sick, but it takes time. Chlorine in properly disinfected pools kills most germs that cause RWIs within minutes. However, it takes longer to kill some germs such as Cryptosporidium that can survive for days in even a properly disinfected pool. Also, many things can reduce chlorine levels in pool water. Some examples are sunlight, dirt, debris, and material from swimmer’s bodies. Healthy swimming behaviors and good hygiene are needed to protect you and your family from RWIs and will help stop germs from getting in the pool.
Dirt, rust and other minerals can stain the finish of your plastered pool. If the stain is organic; from leaves for example, a small amount of granular chlorine added at that location and allowed to settle on the stain will usually remove it instantly. Other non-organic stains will not be removed by chlorine. Do not place chlorine tablets directly into the pool. They will stain and etch the pool plaster. If chlorine doesn't work, acid usually will. Draining and acid washing will remove a thin layer of plaster (and stains), exposing fresh, new looking plaster beneath. Stains can also be sanded with pumice stones or wet/dry sandpaper.
Tile is placed around the perimeter of the pool because it is a surface that can be easily cleaned. There are many tile cleanser products available which are applied with a scrubbing pad or brush. Remember to never use abrasive cleaners on a vinyl pool. You can also try to frequently clean the inside of the skimmer. You can also use an enzyme product such as SeaKlear Enzyme Klear that eliminates oil, lotions and organics in pool and hot tub water.
A strong chlorine smell, contrary to what may seem logical; often means chlorine needs to be added. High levels of chloramines emit a strong chlorine smell, and chloramines form when chlorine interacts with introduced contaminants, like sweat and body oil. In this scenario, chlorine needs to be added to sanitize the water and get rid of the chloramines.
How long to wait after a treatment depends on the chemicals you are adding. Typically, you will want to wait for the water to turn over one full time (all the water to pass through the filter), which typically takes 8 to 12 hours.
In order to prevent scaling or corrosive action and to achieve maximum swimmer comfort, pool water should be balanced to the following levels:
Test Range
pH 7.2-7.6
Total Alkalinity 120-150 ppm
Calcium Hardness 200-250 ppm (Gunite)
Calcium Hardness 175-225 ppm (Vinyl) Free Chlorine 1-3 ppm
Free Bromine 3-5 ppm
Copper 0 ppm
Iron 0 ppm
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